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Talofa e lava! Hola! Malo e lelei! HELLO! Welcome to MI FALE of poetry! Grab a drink outta the fridge and peep out mi casa de POEMS:) WELCOME TO MI SL@M~E~TRY!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetic language is the language that is understood by all whether knowledgeable or not. Similar to Spaniards speaking Spanish and Tongans speaking Tongan, it is a form of communication. On the other hand, poetic language carries more value and emotions rather than just learning a language just to be able to communicate. Instead it is learning a language so that one can communicate and express and convey meanings and messages that may or may not be subtle. When I think about poetic language, i think about medievil times or Shakespearean times as the language yet poetry is the universal term for a collectiong of words or tone in speaking the poetic language. Poetry is anything that conveys a message or expression. Poetry is the overarching theme while poetic language is a sub of that overarching theme.

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